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Lenten Retreat: Claiming Hope in Difficult Times

  • St. Paul's Memorial Church 1701 University Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22903 USA (map)

On Saturday, March 8, from 9 a.m. - noon, Bishop Susan Goff, retired Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of Virginia, will lead a lenten retreat focused on Claiming Hope in Difficult Times.

Bishop Goff is a visual artist, writer, and bishop in The Episcopal Church. In 2012, she became the first woman elected bishop in the Diocese of Virginia. She led churches, schools, retirement communities and other organizations through the Covid pandemic while taking her own journey through the wilderness of breast cancer treatment. Bishop Goff delights in exploring the intersections between spirituality, nature, and the arts.

At our lenten retreat, Bishop Goff will invite us to explore psalms of lament and praise from the Bible and share contemporary psalms from her recent book, The Desert Shall Rejoice; Psalms from the Wilderness of Breast Cancer. Throughout the morning, she will invite us to reflect on our own wilderness journeys and support us in claiming hope in the midst of the challenges we face. There will be time for silent reflection, quiet conversation, and journaling. (If you keep a written or visual journal, please bring it with you.) All are welcome.

Later Event: March 9
Lenten Common Hour Series