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Music is vital to our worship at St. Paul’s, and important to our outreach beyond our walls. There are many opportunities to experience and participate through vibrant congregational singing, excellent choirs for children and adults, and beautiful instrumental offerings. Our music is rooted in the Anglican tradition and enriched with other styles such as spirituals, bluegrass and world music. Above all, we strive to offer music that nourishes, teaches, delights and inspires those gathered at St. Paul’s. 

For more information or to join a choir, please contact Deke Polifka, Director of Music & Organist:

Parish Choir

Our Parish Choir is the principal musical ensemble of St. Paul’s, singing each week for the 10 a.m. Sunday service, as well as for major feast days, Choral Evensongs and special concerts. This choir consists of 30-35 auditioned volunteers and three choral scholars with a wide range of ages and varying musical backgrounds. We delight in collaborating with other choirs and musicians, and maintain a strong sense of community, dedication, and spirituality. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7–9 p.m. (September-May). New members are encouraged and always welcomed.

Junior Choir

Our Junior Choir is generally for children and youth in grades 3 and up. Rehearsals are Wednesday afternoons (September-May), from 4:15-5:15 p.m. Choristers and their families are invited to stay for a brief informal Evening Prayer service at 5:30 p.m., and for a kid-friendly dinner at 6 p.m. The Junior Choir sings about once a month for our 10 a.m. Sunday service, and for special events like Blessing of the Animals, Lessons and Carols, and the Christmas Eve pageant.

Primary Choir

Primary Choir is a fun training choir for children in grades K-2, directed by Joyce Polifka. Our youngest choristers learn the very basics of singing, appearing alone and with the Junior Choir throughout the year. Rehearsals are on Wednesday afternoons (September-May), from 4:15-5:15 p.m., followed by snacks/games that finish just before the brief informal 5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer service and kid-friendly dinner at 6 p.m. 

Wee Singers

Singing and music games for 3-5-year-olds, directed by Joyce Polifka. Wee Singers meet on Wednesday afternoons (September-May) from 4:45-5:15 p.m. Wee singers and their families are invited to stay for a brief informal Evening Prayer service at 5:30 p.m., and for a kid-friendly dinner at 6 p.m.

Music Staff 

Deke Polifka is our Director of Music & Organist.


Daniel Hine is our Music Associate.

Special Music Events

The superb acoustics of our worship spaces make St. Paul’s an ideal venue for a variety of special musical events which are presented throughout the year.

Look for details about special music events in our calendar and our newsletter, or contact Deke Polifika, Director of Music & Organist:



St. Paul’s is home to a four-manual (keyboard) 1926 E. M. Skinner pipe organ, situated in the nave. Our chapel houses a splendid Flentrop chamber organ.