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Spiritual Perspectives on the Pandemic

Viral Bodies: Spiritual Perspectives on the Pandemic

In our after-worship hour on Zoom (Sundays at 11 a.m.), St. Paul’s will offer a five-part Lenten Conversation in Faith series called "Viral Bodies: Spiritual Perspectives on the Pandemic."

Our entry point into this topic is the body. We feel the grief and loss of this pandemic in our bodies. Our bodies have been infected and many have died. The pandemic has struck our body politic as well, weakening an already fragile organism. Our souls and bodies are an inseparable whole according to the Christian tradition, and so our bodily experience will be our guide in this series.

Each session will begin with a brief introduction to the topic from our leadership team, Dr. Laura Shaffer and Mark Wastler. Laura is a member of the Adult Formation Committee and a pediatric psychologist at UVA. The main portion of our time will be small group conversation guided by a facilitator.

The topics will include: Session One (2/21) Naming the Losses; Session Two (2/28) Alone Together—Isolation as Individuals and Households; Session Three (3/ 7) One Body—The Politics of Pandemic; Session Four (3/14) A Divided Body—Social Disparities; and Session Five (3/21) Resurrection of the Body—Where do We Go From Here?

By talking openly and honestly with one another about our experience this past year, we may find unexpected sources of strength and grace. Please join us for these challenging, life-giving conversations in faith, Sundays at 11 a.m. during Lent. The Zoom link can be found here.